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Dennerle Bacto Elixir FB7, 250ml for 1250l


SKU: LFX36918 Category:


Highly effective mixed culture of living cleaning bacteria

Dennerle Bacto Elixir FB7 is a highly effective, concentrated mixed culture of selected, living cleaning bacteria. They become immediately active when added to the aquarium and start to break down pollutants.

Bacteria play a decisive role for the biological balance in the aquarium. It is these invisible helpers who continuously remove fish excrements, plant and food residues. Each bacterial species is specialised in certain substances. Only the “right” bacteria can therefore guarantee the rapid, safe degradation of the waste materials typical of aquariums. A new aquarium or fresh filter material is almost sterile. Without active help, it can take many weeks for a stable bacterial fauna to develop. Substances toxic to fish such as ammonia and nitrite can accumulate and endanger life in the aquarium. Tap water for human consumption must only have an extremely low bacterial content – that is why it is chlorinated by the waterworks. However, aquarium fish need “living water”.

Important bacteria

Powerful nitrification bacteria eliminate dangerous ammonia and nitrite. Mulm degradation bacteria use hydrolytic enzymes to reduce the organic sludge on the soil and in the filter. Other bacterial species specially bred for aquariums feed on plant and food residues, fish excrements and organic turbidity. Bacto Elixir FB7 sustainably strengthens the self-purifying powers of all freshwater aquariums. The optimized water conditions reduce stress. Fish live healthier and feel better. The water stays clearer.


– when inserting new fish

– for new aquarium equipment

– during filter commissioning / cleaning

– after drug treatment

– after each water change

– for increased ammonia or nitrite content

– to strengthen the self-cleansing power

– with higher fish stocking

– in case of problems with water quality

– in case of higher mulga volume

normal dosage

Weekly 20 ml per 100 L aquarium water – for example after partial water change or filter cleaning, to improve and stabilise the water quality.

For increased demand

40 ml per 100 l aquarium water per week – for example after treatment with a remedy or with a higher fish population

For measurable ammonia or nitrite content: 40 ml per 100 L aquarium water per day until ammonia/nitrite is reduced to 0 mg/L.


Shake bottle before use. Place the product in a place with good water movement, e.g. near the filter return into the aquarium.